High5 Strengths Test


So, I have been looking into different icebreakers and team building activities and personality exams to do with the incoming students this fall and found the popular High5 test. While it may be too long for something like orientation, it sure was cool to learn more about myself! 

If interested in taking the test, here's the link:


If interested in comparing to my results, this is the link you need:


If you just want to read and not click on any links, then look below!

1. Analyst - "Your objective is to analyze in order to find root causes. It's not that you don't like ideas, theories, concepts, but you want to see them proven. And what's a better way to prove something than with data? While unbearable for some, large quantities of data make you feel like a fish in the water, because you constantly look for patterns, connections and root causes behind any result. You feel data helps you to be objective, unbiased and dispassionate. As the result, others see you as logical and rigorous. Surrounding people usually come to you to hear an unbiased perspective on their idea. If your analysis is delivered in a kind manner, it would make you into a great asset for any team that is full of daydreamers."

2. Strategist - "Your objective is to see the big picture. Have you heard about 'taking the helicopter view'? In your case, you are constantly on this helicopter! That's not even a skill, it's a special way of seeing things - a special perspective on the world at large, where everything is interconnected. While others could be confused by your short-terms steps, in your mind you have a clear multi-step strategy on how to arrive at the desired outcome and to avoid paths leading nowhere. Such a strategist is an essential asset for any team determined to find a clear direction in a complex situation."

3. Commander - "Your objective is to take charge and direct people. In any situation, you enjoy bringing yourself forward to lead the team. Moreover, you don't come empty handed - by that time your opinion and views are formed and you can't wait to align others with you. Contrary to others, in this process, you are not afraid of confrontation when presenting your views. At the contrary, you feel that the confrontation and the open discussion is the first step towards an agreement. People who have a clear vision and can take a stand for it always draw followers, so will you. If you also master listening to others, this strength will help you to be a good leader without fear of confrontation."

4. Philomath - "Your objective is to learn new things. Due to your love of learning people tend to say you are a very curious person. You like to experiment with different styles of learning as well - in the end, there is something to learn from that as well, right? As it's the processes itself that excite you, you are not necessarily interested in becoming a subject matter expert. Instead you prefer learning something fast and then shift to a new thing to learn. Thanks to this strength, you learn very fast and thrive in short projects and dynamically changing environments. Needless to say, you will always be the one to contribute with new knowledge to your team as well."

5. Thinker - "Your objective is to think. Some get excited by exercising their biceps or triceps, you - by stretching your 'brain muscles' through deep thinking. It does not necessarily mean you are a very focused person. It just means you enjoy the mental activity and meaningful conversations. For your mind journeys, you perceive yourself as the best companion. This introspection allows you to digest complex information and ideas before communicating about it with the surrounding world. Who wouldn't like to have a team member who can simplify even most sophisticated concepts in a way that a 3-year-old would understand?"


I would say that these do seem like what the other tests I have taken said about me. Feel free to comment with yours or tell me what you think about this test!



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